
Due to the increased cases of suicide and the underlying stigma surrounding mental health , the Embi Charity Foundation launched the #Breakthestigma campaign to fight against mental health stigma and discrimination. This is a fantastic campaign because, in most African countries, the issue of mental health is often treated as a taboo. 

Several entertainers and known personalities lent their voice to the campaign. The images were captured and designed by 44 Pictures. Read what the foundation had to say below. 

"Today The EMBI Charity Foundation launches the Campaign against Mental Health stigma and discrimination called #BreakTheStigmaCampaign
Considering the recent occurrences of suicide we witness in our society and the world as a whole , the increasing suicide rate is a sign of mental health, not physical health. So to understand its causes and solutions, it is fundamental to sensitize the public on Mental Health .
Another staggering statistic is the number of people in this country who are living with mental health disorders. According to registered statistics many Cameroonians are suffering from mental illnesses . And those are just the ones the powers-that-be know about. Another huge number of people probably have issues that they’re not getting help with, perhaps because they’re afraid to, or not simply educated about the symptoms or treatment options, or for any number of other reasons.
Luckily, there’s a growing number of organizations and individuals who are trying to help open up the conversation about mental health in general, and encouraging everyone to be less fearful about talking about what’s going on in their lives.
Dissolving the stigma around mental health is one of EMBI Charity Foundation's core priority . It’s important to point out that there’s more than one form of stigma, there are the ones that are “out there,” imposed by the society, institutions, laws and convention.
The other side of that is “self-stigma,” which is the one which we impose on ourselves, when we’re too embarrassed to come out to those around us as someone with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or any other mental health issue.
Oddly, self-stigma may be the hardest to surpass. But there are some interesting new efforts to help people do this. EMBI Charity Foundation in collaboration with some
Cameroonian Entertainers have embarked on the journey of changing the conversation around mental health by creating awareness and sensitizing the public on Mental Health, the different types of mental illnesses, signs and symptoms and how we as a society can be of help to those affected. Also giving information on improving access to care, through the Change Direction initiative where Mental Clinics will be enlisted and Emergency hotline numbers will be made available to the public.
Lately ,People dealing with anxiety and depression and other mental health disorders are increasingly using social media to tell their stories, and in doing so, creating a new kind of camaraderie and support among people living with similar issues. The attitude is to put it right out there, in raw and powerful images and personal stories, without shame or apology. And perhaps others seeing these private-made-public struggles will be moved to do the same there by encouraging a freer kind of discussion about the prevalence and mental health.
Anything we can do to bring mental health out into the open without embarrassment is a good thing.So we wanna encourage each and everyone to come out and supportthis campaign to #BreakTheStigma by sharing their stories and tagging #EmbiCharityFoundation #BreakTheStigmaCampaign 
If you’re dealing with any mental health issue that you feel needs attention, reach out to friends, family or a mental health professional. And if you’re feeling very bold, share your own story on social media, so that others may be more likely to get help themselves, and feel a little less alone.
Let's put an end to Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination!!!