For most young Africans especially Cameroonians who live in the diaspora, it is easy to feel lost or scared of change and what it entails. Charlene Assam, an accomplished young professional and individual, has created a channel to guide other young professionals in their journey to stability and success. She does so with the use of personal anecdotes, inspiring guest speakers, as well as a hopeful and inspiring tone. You can watch her videos on youtube via the channel called TheMigrantHope. Below are a couple of videos from TheMigrantHope channel. Watch them, absorb the message and learn from them.

Here is what Charlene had to say about TheMigrantHope

“Understanding that the power of choice which we have as young professionals, I believe it is our duty to make decisions concerning the trajectory of our lives (professionally and personally). Hence the birth of TheMigrantHope channel. This channel is curated and geared towards young professionals regardless of your field where we offer opportunities for relaistic and relevant conversations. We engage in conversations centered around the dilemmas and joys which young professionals face. Our goal is for our generation to take affairs into their hands and to increase our responsibility to grant us the opportunity to live better lives.-- “

The first video is an introductory video that summarizes the goals of the channel, and how the channel can be impactful to anyone.

Do you know what a business dinner entails? Do you know how important business dinners are? Do you know about business etiquette? No matter what your profession is, you are most likely to attend a business dinner, so it is imperative that you make the best of it. Watch and learn from Charlene!

This video was anecdotal, and we love it!

Watch and learn from Femi and Charlene, as they detail their experiences!

Editor’s Note: This channel is such a perfect depiction of disseminating knowledge to help your fellow brothers and sisters. Having young professionals use their platform to educate other young professionals, who might need a little hope in their lives, is a phenomenal thing to witness. Watch the videos and enjoy!